Tempted by the fruit of another. Al sinds Adam & Eva is dit het geval. Je kunt er vele theorieën op los laten, de jager en de verzamelaar, diversiteit binnen onze soort etc., feit blijft dat mannen en vrouwen moeite hebben met monogamie. Maar dat levert dan wel weer veel mooie muziek op.
Billy Paul – Mrs Jones
De Mrs in Mrs Jones geeft het al meteen weg in de titel:
“I know what you’re thinking baby
I used to be just like you
You move when she’s not looking baby
One sugar ain’t enough for you”
Robert Cray – Right Next Door
In ieder stadje een ander schatje.
“She was right next door and I’m such a strong persuader
That she was just another notch on my guitar
She’s gonna lose the man that really loves her
In the silence I can hear their breaking hearts”
Lily Allen – Smile
Spijt is wat de koe schijt.
“When you first left me, I was wanting more
But you were fucking that girl next door, what cha do that for (what cha do that for)”
André Hazes – Een vriend
Polder blues
“Hoe vaak lag jij daar in mijn bed
Zag jij nooit van je vriend, aan de muur zijn trouwportret
ging er dan echt niets door je heen,
ben jij zo hard en zo gemeen?”
Melissa Etheridge – Your little secret
Met een van Billy Paul geleend zinnetje:
“I know what you’re thinking baby
I used to be just like you
You move when she’s not looking baby
One sugar ain’t enough for you”
Human League – Human
Fouten maken is menselijk.
“I wouldn’t ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness”
Adele – Cold Shoulder
Of hoe liefdesverdriet tot carrière en fortuin kan leiden:
“You say it’s all in my head
And the things I think just don’t make sense
So where you been then? Don’t go all coy
Don’t turn it round on me like it’s my fault”
D’Angelo – Shit Damn Motherfucker
Het komt meestal als een verrassing natuurlijk…
“why are you sleeping with my woman
why are you sleeping with my woman
this comes as a total suprise
my best friend and my wife”
Don Covay – I was checkin’ out, she was checkin’ in
De bedrieger bedrogen.
“I wanted to say something to her
But there was nothing I could say, yeah ‘
Cause the woman I was with Yes,
she was married too!”
Destiny’s Child – Say My Name
Vrouwen zijn veel gevoeliger voor bedrog.
“I would call and you would say
Baby how’s your day
But today, it ain’t the same
Every other word
Is “uh-huh” yeah “ok”
Could it be that you
Are at the crib with another lady”
Dolly Parton – Jolene
Dolly kruipt in dit nummer wel heel erg in de slachtofferrol.
“He talks about you in his sleep
There’s nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Jolene”
The Eagles – Lyin’ eyes
What was he thinking? Oude man die een groen blaadje trouwt. Vragen om moeilijkheden:
“So she tells him she must go out for the evening,
To comfort an old friend who’s feelin’ down.
But he knows where she’s goin’ as she’s leavin’
She is headed for the cheatin’ side of town”
John Legend – She don’t have to know
De spanning is verslavend.
“I know you got a lil’ secret of your own
Sneaking out with me while your mans at home
You know your wrong
But its so strong still carrying on”
Kelis – Caught out there
Het komt toch altijd uit…
“You keep tellin’ me lies
But to your surprise
Look, I found her red coat
And you’re bitch caught out there”
Squeeze – Tempted
Verboden vruchten smaken het lekkerst:
“Tempted by the fruit of another,
Tempted but the truth is discovered”
The Killers – Mr. Brightside
Liegen en bedriegen.
“Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it’s just the price I pay”
Rihanna – Unfaithfull
Er is er altijd 1 die de pijn moet verwerken:
“And I know that he knows I’m unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying”
Shaggy – It wasn’t me
Altijd blijven ontkennen!
“But she caught me on the counter (It wasn’t me)
Saw me bangin’ on the sofa (It wasn’t me)
I even had her in the shower (It wasn’t me)
She even caught me on camera (It wasn’t me)”
Shirley Brown – Woman to woman
De confrontatie.
“Hello, may I speak to Barbara? Barbara, this is Shirley. You might not know who I am, but the reason I am calling you is because I was going through my old man’s pockets this morning And I just happened to find your name and number”
Justin Timberlake – Cry me a river
Ook mannen worden bedrogen.
“You don’t have to say, what you did
I already know, I found out from him
Now there’s just no chance, for you and me, there’ll never be
And don’t it make you sad about it”
Carrie Underwood – Before he cheats
De wraak, niet alleen zoet maar ook gewelddadig.
“And he don’t know, that I dug my key into the side
of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats…
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires…
Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats”
Damien Rice – 9 Crimes
Het schuldgevoel.
“Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It’s the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you”
Astrijd Nijgh – Ik doe wat ik doe
Maar je kunt er ook heel pragmatisch mee omgaan natuurlijk:
“Maar ik vraag toch ook niet aan jou
Waarom jij ’t hier doet en niet bij je vrouw
Ach kom nou, we doen wat we doen”
R. Kelly – Trapped in the closet (full version)
Briljant werk van superglijer R. Kelly waarin-ie letterlijk het hele verhaal zoals het zich afspeelt zingt. In totaal duurt het 16 minuten.
“Said, “You can’t go this way”
Looked at her, like she was crazy
Said, “Woman move out my way”
Said, “I got a wife at home”
She said, “Please don’t go out there”
“Lady, I’ve got to get home”
She said, her husband was comin’ up the stairs”