door Guuzbourg
Metal that doesn't make you feel like you're being kicked in the stomach.
door Grey Nomad
Grey Nomad's biggest influences.
A great series with a great soundtrack...and a great Perfect.
door EKKO
The poppy shoegazers are back! Back with their third album and in Utrecht's EKKO. On monday the 11th of august they take the stage. See you there!
door Rufus Ketting
All Perfects are made with shitloads of effort and heart...but for some bands it's just a little harder. Sonic Youth is definitely one them...Rufus Ketting went all the way.
door Wilbert Mutsaers
Perfect Eighties Kult: New Wave, Neue Deutsche Welle, Electro blackism, we've got them all lined up, in 42 tracks back to the dark side of the Eighties!
door Guuzbourg
He's known as the architect of the Manchester Sound, he was co-founder of Factory Records and died way to young (he was just 42). This Perfect proves why he earns the Perfect Producer-title.
door René Passet
Perfect Depeche Mode in two parts. The first part: the best songs, the second part: the best remixes. Both carefully selected by Rene Passet.
door René Passet
Back to the Eighties, back to the time when New Wave was really new. René Passet - a true shoegazer in those days - still has the soundtrack from that era.