door Omar Muñoz Cremers
This 19xx-series is a search for the best music year in the history of mankind. The question: was it 1991? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. This Perfect 1991 is one hell of a '1991 for president!'.
door Dave von Raven
This 19xx-series is a search for the best music year in the history of mankind. The question: is it 1977? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. This Perfect 1967 is pretty perfect as well. By Dave von Raven.
door Gijsbert Kamer
This 19xx-series is a search for the best music year in the history of mankind. The question: is it 1979? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. This Perfect 1979 is a diamond. By Gijsbert Kamer.
door Rick de Leeuw
This 19xx-series is a search for the best music year in the history of mankind. The question: is it 1977? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. This Perfect 1977 is pretty perfect. By Rick de Leeuw.