door Theo Miggelbrink
Great to look at, fantastic to listen to. Or the other way around.
door Theo Miggelbrink
Subroutine Records is a dutch 'indie, pop, rock and noise' label, from Groningen to be exact. Since 2005 they release some pretty exciting stuff. Time for a 'summary'.
door Theo Miggelbrink
George Drakoulias is the man who discovered the Beastie Boys, and who later produced for Rick Rubin’s American Recordings. Best known for his productions for The Black Crowes, Tom Petty and personal favourites Ride!
door Theo Miggelbrink
Long live the niche! A Perfect dedicated to the 'Bo Diddley Beat'. The best songs with a Bo Diddley Beat, to be precise.
door Theo Miggelbrink
A Perfect about one instrument - the Philicorda - but never a dull moment: from filthy to cool, from rock to pop, it's all here (Hospital Bombers, Dio, Bombay Show Pig, The Madd and more).