Perfect Zelfmedelijden VIII
door Rufus Ketting
The soundtrack to rock bottom, down in the dumps, and at the end of your rope. Come on, you got this!
door Rufus Ketting

Dit soort dingen missen enorm op; pianomuziek. Geen gepingel tussen de schuifdeuren, maar het spul van de bovenste plank. Rufus Ketting, graag geziene gast… lees meer

Perfect Zelfmedelijden VII
door Rufus Ketting
You never walk alone...
door Rufus Ketting
Embrace self-pity. At least during these 20 songs.
door Rufus Ketting
The soundtrack for the Dutch version of the Cold War.
door Rufus Ketting
A warm welcome by Rufus Ketting to his Perfect Mexican Hideout
door Rufus Ketting
Selfpity is like mental beanbag, comforting but very hard to get out...the right music can help you with that.
door Rufus Ketting
Everlasting Paul Simon...
door Rufus Ketting
The best pity of al pities: selfpity.
door Rufus Ketting
A perfect playlist to pity yourself. Part Three.
door Rufus Ketting
Blonde Redhead is a trip and Rufus Ketting is the tour guide.
door Rufus Ketting
It's not a bad thing to pity your self every once in a long as you do something about it. That's where this Perfect comes in. It gives you even more pain, other people's pain. Very therapeutic. This is Part 1. Need more? Part 2 is waiting for you!
door Rufus Ketting
It's not a bad thing to pity your self every once in a long as you do something about it. That's where this Perfect comes in. It gives you even more pain, other people's pain. Very therapeutic. This is Part 2. Need more? Part 1 is waiting for you!
door Rufus Ketting
All Perfects are made with shitloads of effort and heart...but for some bands it's just a little harder. Sonic Youth is definitely one them...Rufus Ketting went all the way.
door Rufus Ketting
After the Beatles Paul McCartney still had some great tunes up his sleeve.